The Lost Girls
Once upon a time
In a sleepy small town
Lived a pretty young girl
In a pretty blue gown
When one late night
With no one around
A tap on the window
Made a very loud sound
Peter Pan!
She exclaimed
Wendy with fright
Saw Peter standing in the pale moonlight
Let’s go to a place
Where we’ll never grow old
Where the lost boys run free
You just have to leave home!
I can promise you this
Said Peter with pride
If you come here with me
You’ll be one of a kind
Neverland was a beauty
A magical world
There was only one problem
There were no little girls!
Where are all the girls?
Asked Wendy one day
Peter sighed and replied
Far Away
Wendy was angry
She thought it unfair
She was the only girl
To be found anywhere
So she set out a journey
To search, far and wide
The lost girls
They’d call them, a brand new tribe
Some girls to call friends
And partners too
The lost girls could do
What the lost boys could do
So she rounded them up
A fearless young bunch
With tattoos and piercings
Who knew how to punch
One named Tinker Bell
One named May
The lost girls were fearless
And always the brave
They roamed through the land
A confident kind
Who fought back injustice
With every stride
Til Captain Hook found them
And said with a shout
No girls in Neverland!
You must all get out!
But Wendy wouldn’t have it
So she drew out a sword
And fought Captain Hook
Until he was sore
Alright, you’ve won!
Yelled Hook with a fit
So they made him walk off
The plank of his ship
The lost girls cheered
And yelled out with joy
Now Neverland was free
For the girls and the boys
So then Wendy returned
Back home to her town
Said goodbye to Peter
And the lost girls she’d found
But she would not forget
Their courage and strength
She’d go tell the world
Of the new world that waits