Lost America (From Sea to Adverse Sea)
The Beautiful?
Home of the enslaved,
Where those who are brave,
Are said to have no brain,
Where freedom of speech is limited,
To what the majority has to say.
Where if odd balls want to be even,
They stoop down to a leveled plain.
Oh, say can you see.
The crookedness
Which this nation lies,
On the shores of freedom,
Blocking out wistful cries.
Yet, our flag is still there?
Oh, say does that star,
Spangled banner
Yet wave,
The patriotic red, white, and blue
Our nation stands to respect.
Yet, it still stands
Behind a nation that
Fails to respect the truth,
Never fails to neglect the youth,
And evidence is never enough proof.
In God we trust,
Or just trust in ourselves.
Coveting thy neighbor,
To better oneself.
Presuming acquaintances
When mirrors don’t reflect oneself.
Whats beautiful?
The land we continue to destroy?
The people we continue to ignore?
Charity used to fill empty voids?
For the land of the free,
For the home of the brave,
We trade for the lure of,
Money, Sex, and Fame.
Whom are we to blame?