The lost

I see him walking down the street moving fast to his own beat
but just as the time has come I see the own he was running from
I want to stop and just yell hey
But if I do wont he come my way
All I do is just stop and stare until I see him laying there
I want to cry and just hide but I know that he will die
As I wait and watch and see he asked why didn't you help me
Everyday I lay and wait until one I hear fate
He saw me walking down the street to my own beat
But just as the time came he saw the one that i was running from
I just prayed and prayed that maybe he will be the one that will save me from the one I am running from
Just as I say the white light flash before my eyes I heard a "Hey" from far far away
I stopped and stared as scared as I could be and what I thought would happen to me just stood
I thank the one that saved my life and now I will find the light

Poetry Slam: 



I know that it does not sound like something that would be like the title but if u listen and read it then u get why it is called the lost


good stuff i love it

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