Looking for wings
The peddels to the bike were stiff because of that cold morning
Gears groaned as the wheels roatated, stuggling to find its rythem
I was behind my friends,
but then again I was always behind my friends.
This morning was differend though. I couldn't catch up.
Blame it on the bike. Blame it on the weather. Dont blame it on me.
over the hill they went- me still struggling.
How odd my friends backs looked, while raised above.
They sat straight. They sat Tall.
I could out run them, and had more endurance.
Even so I still could not catch up. I knew why though.
Blame it on the Bike. Blame it on the weather. Dont blame it on me.
I refused to get off my bike. I would make it up on my own.
I was an athlet. But athlets like me did not have my disability.
I made it. And my friends had gone on ahead.
None were to be seen.
My focus went instead upon a little group of old men.
Clustered around the window display of a TV store watching
Just a glance was enough.
That one glance was enough. To change my life. And the way I saw myself.
I moved closer to the screen.
The world went silent.
And a humming noise began in the back of my heart.
A deep adrenaline rush of wonder and hope,
of awe and joy.
I watched as the man- who stood at 5'3
spiked the ball passed blockers who were twice his height.
As he jumped to the net-
and the sweat beeded down his neck- the muslces in his legs strained
for a second his knees bent,
then pushing him into the air- as he stayed there and scored
He came back to earth- and stood next to his team.
the smallest on the court yet the one people feared.
One of the old men looked down at me-
with my forhead and hands preshed against the glass
the spark in my eye-
looked at my small frame,
nodded at the screen and said
"God didn't give us wings,
So we look for ways to fly."