Into the Looking Glass
Hey there, it’s you again
The glad boy, the bad boy
The never-again-will-be
Sad boy
Leaning on the glass
The clear kind, the fear kind
The there-but-not-really
Here kind
Faking laughter
The loud type, the proud type
The sky-is-clear-free-of
Clouds type
What’s cracking, brother
My good friend, boyhood friend
My you-know-what-I-should
Have said friend
Adolescent insults, the ones
That turn back, that burn the back
Of your throat thirty seconds after
They learn back
It’s you, I know
The bratty kid, the fatty kid
The anxious-and-it-shows-when-you’re
Too chatty kid
Stop talking to yourself
In the mirror space, the nearer space
The place-where-you’d-never-feel
Clearer space
I hate to be the bearer of
The bad news, the sad news,
The you’re-nothing-more-than-a
Fad news
But nobody wants to be in love with
The quiet man, needs-a-diet man
The constant-mental-anguish-and
Riot man
How do the thunder-clouds keep
Getting in here, they spin here
Like the devil’s-cotton-candy-and
I can’t win here
They pull at you and
I feel it more, I steal it more
I need to numb myself so I don’t
Seem real anymore
Mephistopheles in silicon housing
A light screen, the right screen
The wrong-side-of-wrong-scared-and
Frightened screen
Nothing in particular wrong with my face
I’ve got crazy eyes, got lazy eyes
Got nothing except the broken down brain between
My hazy eyes
And as the person
Who cries hard, and dies hard
The can’t-even-protect-himself-even-though-he
Tries hard
I know I need to step back
Away from myself, to become the self
The skin-holding-a-thing-that-doesn’t-need-to
Convince itself
That it has value.
So smash the looking glass, I’ll step through it
And stop living like somebody else’s reflection.