LOL.....This is what i'm talking about!
See, I have the power to change.
Plain or strange, you really should feel the same.
Its never a dream to the one with the vision.
Just a left foot, right foot, up the mountain, to see who listen.
Could I choose just one thing? Big or Small
Wide or Tall? for few or for all?
Well..... Lets see.
To change your perception of God, to get you to believe....... would seem like an option and where you already started to leave.
To reveal the misunderstanding of how the world, continue's to bleed the children, of a future,where they promote "They Are", is to deep to swim and for our leg's and arm's too far.
To change the fact that i should choose a topic to please a reader's fedish, who's looking for a intellectual extacy, limiting my creativity, since drugs aint me, takes sometime to digest and get it, being so random lol.
WHY?????? well.......Look....... examine the ground below and the heavens above and tell me He aint do it.
Show me a media that doesnt poision your niece, nephew, little cousion, or child to: Hate, have sex before marriage, and leave your competition lost or stupid when we headed the same place.
And sense we ALLL like a certain thing, which could be labled a drug, being addicted like....uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, would make you second guest, to, if you should give it up.
SO, I would change, to a man, if i had the "Power" to change. Why......because they teaching them something else.