The Light at the End
the stuggle throught her life
her father's abusion and her mother's negletion
she had no one left
a teenage mother looking for the light at the end
her children grew up looking at their mother stuggle everday
seeing their beautiful mother wanting to end her life
nothing can let them forget about that dreadful day
to which the demons dragged her deep down
looking at the stare in her eye
to which you don't know if anyone is home
not knowing how they can help to change that fact
they grew up with that same stare in their eyes
the one they knew all their life
the light at the end seemed endless
they couldn't reach far enough
ending their life there could mean endless anount of joy
the light shined brighter than ever
and the stuggle came stronger than ever
while their father's yelling echoed
the endless waiting would be over
at the light at the end
which meant a new begining
a new life with their family
a new happiness