a letter to my heart
dear heart,
as i am writing this;
a proclamation of my emotion,
a diary of my feelings,
a jumble of words i have strung together in a depserate attempt to show you
you are somewhere
thinking of me,
but not how i think of you.
you have eyes
beautiful brown eyes
that see me
but not how i see you.
your hands scream to me to be held
but you don't hear them.
how can one fall so hard,
so fast,
so blindly,
knowing that there was no cushion to pad the fall?
knowing that there was no one there to catch you?
i am in love.
i have been falling for 6 years,
an endless downward spiral of emotion
as you fall too
for everyone but me.
i am in front of you,
but you don't see me.
i see you.
you are my heart.
i am in love.