"Let's Play A Game" - tribute story poem for Sandy Hook Shooting
Her smile shines like the bright sun
Teacher's plush pink lips
Move fluently as she speaks to us
"How about we play a game, class?"
My face lights up
I love teacher's games!
"Alright, boys and girls, how about we -..."
Teacher pauses momentarily
We listen quietly
What's going on?
Is there a monster in the school?
Teacher smiles at us
Her reassuring tree bark brown eyes
Tell us not to worry.
"As I was saying, how about a game of Hide and Seek Quiet Mouse?"
*Thud! Thud! Bang! Bang!*
The strange monster noise
Sounds echo from down the empty halls
"Alright, everyone hide
I'll count to 10.
If one person makes a sound,
Everyone loses, okay?"
Each tiny head of my class
bobs in agreement to the rules
A puzzled look crosses my face.
We've been used to playing Hide and Seek.
Why are we playing Quiet Mouse, too?
"Go hide children, hurry!"
Teacher whispers the starting command.
Like tiny soldiers, we hurry off
To our chosen hiding places, already preplanned.
I managed to cram myself
into one of the tight wooden cabinets
Three other girls chose the same.
We sat there in the darkness
Waiting for the end of the game.
Little did we know, after this day,
Our lives wouldn't be the same.
1...*Thud!* ...2...*Thud!* ...3...*Thud!*...4...5..*CRASH!*...6...7...8...-
We heard one of the wooden desks
Slam on the tile floor
"Where are they?!"
A deep, angry voice growled
Is that the monster
Who made the strange noises?
Teacher remained quiet
We hear the squeak of her mouse-like voice
"I sent them home early."
*Sniff, Sniff*
I place my hand
Over one girl's mouth, plugging her nose
Trying to stop the oncoming sneeze
Removing the hand, a finger on my lips
She nods, silence falls.
The darkness of the cabinet consumes us
I count the seconds that pass
1...2...3...4...5... *BANG!*...6...7...8...*CRASH!*...
10...11...12...*Thud!* *Thump, Thud, Thump*
Shoes scrape the once clean floors
Then, silence.
Is the monster gone? Can we come out?
Teacher remains quiet
There's not a single sound.
A brave soul opens the cabinet door
The place is a mess
Things were thrown all over the floor
Where is our teacher?
We look around high and low
Everyone scared to make a sound.
What is the monster is still around?
When we hear a siren outside the school
The police are here
Did they catch the monster who was so loud and cruel?
They come into our classroom
They take us outside
We are given to our parents
Tears fill everyone's eyes.
An ambulance comes.
We were the lucky ones,
20 of our schoolmates
6 of the staff
Found dead in all parts of the building, even the cafe.
The killer dead too and one other soul
makes 28 people the new death toll
Our teacher was one of them
Rest in Peace! God Bless her Soul!
To those who believe revenge is okay
Think of the lives taken
By a guy wanting revenge
On a school
That fateful day