let's keep it a buck ladies
i applaud women when each one is a representation as a woman of God who loves the Lord 1st, and then her husband my woman for an example is all about class and morals never about trend that continues to change where in all reality, the only source that never changes is scriptures that conveys truth in the bible and yet females will backlash a woman for her love to God makes me wonder about this generation how is a man supposed to find a woman in this world where most females, escpecially in this generation think that being a woman of God is wrong many females tend to flaunt what they have in efforts of obsession to obtain all the attention, all the compliments they get will fill that void of love that they never had or missing itself you say that you're looking for love, but yet showing dudes that you rather be desired instead of love as a man like myself, i'll tell you what comes to minds of most guys A ONE NIGHT STAND!!!!!!!!!!!! where lust of the eyes leads to failures the lust of the flesh leads to short terms pleasure that leaves you still alone in long terms unfulfilling where the guy is imagining inside of her in her bedroom rather than by her side at the altar How you carry yourself is what you'll attract that's why females won't approach me nor would they'd think I'd want them, because I don't carry myself in a way that would make them think I'd be attracted to the way that they carry themselves. Not judging in a wordly way where people ostracize i judge in a Godly way where i scrutinize my woman is all about class, knowing she has the assets to flaunt, but doesn't flaunt it to put on a show for the world where society continues to depict females like these goofy no talented rappers by calling her a thot the ideal woman for me became a reality when God send that beautiful angel to me beautiful as she is, even on her bad days has always displayed class, being the perfect example of what men should look for in a woman. Ladies, if you're so proud of your body, then Glorify Jesus Christ with it! Then maybe He will send you someone that will respect your body instead of just wanting you for it. if you think i'm lying, or remain to still be angry because the truth hurts Proverbs 31:30 reads that Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades. The woman to be admired and praised is the woman who lives in the Fear-of-God.