Let It Find You
A light in the darkness
Flickers, dances, on the walls
The cave must relinquish its grasp
It eventually must surrender.
Petals of lights reach out
Yearning to replenish the soul
Everywhere the light touches,
It finds a home to rest.
It plants itself in the hearts
Of both those who need to believe
And of those who believe they don’t need it
And every day it blossoms.
It is the gladiolus growing
Under the shade of the oak tree.
As slivers of light slip through cracks between branches,
It falls softly down.
It pierces the most silent of nights,
Healing broken hearts,
Guiding other hearts along their way.
And when the light of day comes, it stays.
It is the tears of the broken
When all seems lost and irrecoverable.
In the dark nights, the blind hours, the aching-
That is where it is found.
It is found in the hearts of those who suffer
Of those who love
Of those who long to change
And of those whose greatest fear is losing themselves.
It is the small voice that shouts into the void.
The embrace of those long separated.
The cry of the pained.
The smile of the joyous.
It hides everywhere, seeking refuge.
Words on a page.
Spring after winter.
Let it find you.
Hope is all I need.