Lend Me Your Ear
Lend me your ear my friend
And hear of a wonderous place
Where people are happy
And no one is hurt
There is no pain in this world
Only happiness and love
All love is equal and free
Like love between you and me
A man may lay next to another man
And he shall never be stoned
For love was made for all to share
And all deserve to have it
Denying a person love
Is like denying a fish water
It is something people need
And can't live without
Tell me what difference it makes
If I marry another woman
Or my brother marries another man
What difference does it make
That world does not exist
Because people do not allow it
And equal love does not exist
Because people hate it
Help me to make that world come true
That you may love me, and I may love you
Make love equal for all who live
And free people from living a curse