The Last Year of Hell
All that I’ve known for four years
Will I remember this when I walk across the stage?
My eyes full of tears.. of joy
You see, you teachers pretend to care
But why would I believe that when I ask a question only to be answered by an empty stare
Stop acting like you know what’s best for me
You think you know it all because you already have a college degree?
Well you don’t and you can’t and you won’t
Just get to the point so I can put this pencil down and go back to dreaming
About a place, far from here, where all I can see are the stars in the night sky, gleaming
I can hear that last bell ringing
Picture myself getting up from my chair, yelling, “Peace out!”
And never looking back
And then SMACK
A book lands on my desk because my condescending Science teacher
(also a wannabe preacher)
Is upset because I’ve missed out on his dull, lifeless speech about the dangers of ether
"I couldn’t care less.."
Is what I dimly profess
Just get me out of here I think
“It’ll all be over soon,” they tell me
“All you have to do… is simply blink.”