Land of the Free
“Land of the free*”
As if.
As if women do not scream for equality
As if black people are not afraid
As if trans kids are not shunned
And the gay flag tucked away
“Freedom of speech!” they cry
But oppress those whose opinions differ
Spray tear gas in the eyes of citizens
Who only want justice
“Don’t take away our guns!” they protest
But are shocked when another school is shot up
“America is a country built by immigrants!” they proclaim
But are terrified of anyone who dares to praise Allah
There are riots in the streets.
Does that not tell you anything?
I live in a country where women are asked
“What were you wearing?”
“How much did you drink?”
And are scorned because she “should not have led him on”
I should not be afraid to go out
Should not be afraid to walk in the dark
But still I carry pepper spray and clutch at my keys
Because what else is a woman to do?
If I let him take me, I’m a slut.
If I say no, I’m a tease.
If I stay silent, I’m a whore.
If I speak up, I’m a bitch.
Women are put down for speaking against sexism
For overreacting
Forced into silence for fighting the wage gap
But 77 cents to a dollar is just not enough
As if our legislators listened
As if we were not silenced
As if freedom*
Did not come with an asterisk
Being a woman in America
Is like being an animal in the zoo:
Everyone can see your pain and hear your screams
But it’s okay because you’re just an attraction
In a country where males rally
For the repealing of your right to vote
How am I expected
To continue as though nothing is wrong?
“Land of the free”
As if.
We are the land of the
But it’s okay because this is America
Land of the free*, home of the brave
(*restrictions may apply)