L3 is making me crazy
L3 is the coach
Do not debate her-you will lose
L3 has three names that start with an L
First middle last. 'ell, do not debate her
She is five feet tall but is the toughest person you will ever dread
She is a debate team coach who will push you to worker harder than you thought you could
L3 will teach you how to debate
She will teach you how to research and how to argue your case
Practice is at 6:00 dont be late.
A new case by this Friday? both pro and con?
but this is midterm week and a swim meet Thursday on
She smiled and said "you can do it"
L3 is crazy, brutal, and delusional...but
She was right, I somehow got through it
L3 took us to tournaments that lasted 12 hours three days each
L3 made me a debater and competitor of speech
I worked harder for L3 than any teacher in school
I learned how to push myself, to speak and to rule
Learn your topic, organize your reasoning
write like a litigator, prepare your cross examining
L3 made me a responsible, thinking citizen
a researching writer of arguements, a debate partner, and friend
L3 is a giant five foot tall
A mentor, challenger, the best life teacher of all
L3 is the coach-do not debate her