Kpop dance is different, so what?
I sit in my classrooms alone and quiet,
I have a lot to say but I just to hide it.
Some say I'm shy, quiet, and nice,
Others say I'm weird, loud, and I need advice.
I say, they all need to think twice.
When not in class, I'm a whole new me,
I'm confident, powerful, and always busy.
I move my body in ways they wish they could,
I have confidence like how I always should.
I love dancing to kpop,
It's too normal to dance to hip hop.
It makes me feel different and unique,
I can say I have my own style that makes me me.
People stare at me with judgment and wonder,
They ask questions and try to ponder,
How can she like this? Its not even English,
It has a good beat and I cannot be skittish.
I'm proud to say I dance,
Although most just judge and don't give me the chance.
I make my own chances,
And create my own dances.
I'm proud to say I'm not the average hip hopper,
But I am the new age dancing kpopper.