You know, You know
when you know
you grow everyday
but you know
when the grow
is so slow
its as its no more
it feels like it no more
you know when you see
things differently
when your opinion holds weight
when you control your fate
when your ready to debate
you know when life isnt slow
when you began to glow
and radiate like a new born butterfly
who can tell the prettiest lie
you know when you think of future as not tomorrow
but when a sudden sorrow
of the soon to be responsibilities
start coming insurbordinately
I knew when my words utter true
I knew when I grew
I knew when I was no longer a boy
Or interested in a toy or even when I stopped drinking soy
I knew when I was asked what did I want to do
I knew when I school for my senior of high school
I knew when my parents cared even less than I did
I knew when I actually started to care
And my impending despair
I really knew when I began to see life crystal clear
I knew when I knew
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