a kiss
Kiss me now kiss me right now
Your lips so soft i can feel the sound of it on my lips
Kiss so special, so perfect so right
Eyes engage for an endless night
Kiss so sensual
Behind your kiss lies a hidden desire
Kiss so special, kiss sureal
No kiss will ever be as wet as yours
Kiss so good kiss so great,
Kisses from you almost seem like fate,
A Kiss from me a kiss to you,
kisses from you are sentimental, makes me feel like a king
Kisses plenty, non-stop
This kiss this feeling I adore
A kiss from you needs me to make two,
I'd rather have few,
than to loose my chance with you
Guide that inspired this poem:
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The word "kiss" in your poem demonstrates this deep love to hold and belong to someone (in my opinion). It is very intimate and a cherry on top of love in a relationship. Though I don't know the feeling of a kiss, your poem gives me a look and this feeing of what it might be like. Keep writing on my friend.