There are not enough words
in our language to describe it.
Not a passage, nor a verse,
can explain what's inside me.
It's like a candle in my heart;
and what once was so dark
is now shining so bright
it could extinguish the night.
A middle name shared,
a family torn in two.
Kawika, my growing boy,
this is not about you.
The love that's in my heart
has been my guide from the start
but I fell victim to these thoughts,
my world was bound to fall apart.
I wake up every day
asking myself what I can do.
What can I do for myself?
What can I do for you?
My beautiful baby boy
needs more than just his toys.
He needs me to be strong,
and I tried for so long.
An old demon that I have fought
has reared it's ugly head.
So many tears, so many thoughts
tossing and turning in my bed.
Medicine could never help
pain like this I've never felt
but Daddy is ready baby boy,
one look at you and all is well.
I look to you and I can smile,
I feel your love and I can see
that this life is bigger than this.
Bigger than you, bigger than me.
I wake up knowing you're around
no greater strength can be found
than the strength that's in your heart
and even when we're apart..
I can feel you all around me
I can hear your little voice.
Just know that Daddy loves you too, Kawika.
My beautiful baby boy.