My dream job would consist of me traveling, using good judgment of character, and maintaining my code of ethics. I want to become a Human Resource Manager. The reason why I chose this occupation is because I had a very bad experience with a HRM showing favoritism to co-workers (my peers) who were her friends and using her power to discipline the outcasts. So I wanted to become a better person, manager, and use reasonable judgment no matter how long a person has been working for the company or how well I know them. By having such an important role in a company a HRM should have no personal connection with any employee except for management. So if anyone was to approach them it with a situation/problem they’ll be able to express good judgment. The benefits of the job are great pay, less stressful work environment, and respect. This will change my life because it’ll give me great stability I desire as well as a being me joy to see someone so happy when I say “You’re hired.”