Just a little girl.
blonde hair and freckles
good grades and a contagious laugh
happy family and dinner together
good days and sleepful nights
just a little girl
blonde hair and pale skin
low grades and a smile slowly slipping
happy family and dinner in your room
overwhelming days and tiring nights
just a little girl
blonde hair and skinny face
awful grades and a fake smile
oblivious parents and no dinner at all
numb days and active nights
just a little girl
blonde hair and cuts everywhere
haven't been to school in weeks and no smile
uninterested parents and vodka with pills
lonely days and a blade at night
just a little girl
is it time?
no one would even notice
beautiful twine necklace and a podium to stand on
as the tears begin to fall, so does she
the room is silent and numbly quiet.
forever just a little girl