Just Because I Am A Female
I am a woman.
That means, I can do whatever I please with my body.
Decorate it.
Show off as much skin as I want.
Do whomever I please.
Just because I am a female does not mean you can subject me to having to cover up normal body parts.
Just because I am a female does not mean I have to make you a sandwich.
Just because I am a female, does not mean it is my fault you don't have selfcontrol and you decided to force sex upon me.
Just because I am a female does not mean I have to live up to the standards of long hair, tan skin, hairless body, makeup on my face, white teeth, flat stomach, long legs, and a big butt.
But if I do it does not make me any less than the girl next to me who doesnt live up to those standards.
Just because I am a female does not mean I can not have a romantic relationship with another female.
Just because I am a female does not mean I can't have casual sex.
Just because I am a female does not give you a right to try to control my body and what I decide to do with it.
Just because I am a female does not mean I can't like the same thing a guy enjoys.
Just because I am a female does not mean I have to be feminine.
Just because I am a female does not mean I am inferior to you.
I am a human being.
I have my own opinions.
I have right to vote.
I have right to run for president.
Why can I have all that, but not control over my body?
Or be equal to a male?