Just Another Girl
The anxiety crept up on me,
A shadow in the night,
I fled on the midnight train,
My heart,
My soul,
My mind,
Determined not to lose me,
My lungs burned,
The fiery cold December air lacing it's way into my throat,
My muscles screamed,
My eyes shifted,
There was too much too take in,
My insides wanted to catch up,
They worked harder,
I less,
The anxiety gripped me with clenched fists and white knuckles,
It pressed it's sticky lips on my frosty white face
Kissing me passionately
The wind now howling,
A cry of defiance,
Die, It shouted,
The man on the moon began to cry,
The sun had beaten him too heart,
Hot tears raced down my face,
I had to keep going encouraged his pained expression,
My face now purple,
My throat engulfed in a dry flame,
My instincts battled with my desires,
Everything was failing,
My body sent soldiers to fight,
Who never returned home,
I felt the wind,
The anxiety,
As It took me up into it's strong hungry arms,
For an instant the wind seemed to reach an icy hand into my stomach,
The anxiety posessed me,
My veins turned green,
Thin fingers of ice curled around my lips,
The stars in my eyes dimmed like lightbulbs exploding,
My body stiffened,
The world stiffened,
The anxiety outstretched a palm,
I shuddered,
The midnight train slowed,
The brakes shrieked,
I layed outstretched on a field,
In the palm of my anxiety,
The world slowly filled in with bits of darkness,
I felt the fingers of the anxiety close in around me,
I felt the world grow cold,
Grow dull,
Grow distant,
I caught the midnight train,
Just another girl cloaked in fear,
In depression,
In insecurity
Just another girl.