It's So Sad
It's so Sad
That your ignorance is on blast
You tried to push me away
To see what life was like without me
Was it worthwhile?
Obviously it didn't last for a while
You came back
Just for a little bit
But enough to remember
That with me, no other chick can make you shiver
It's been a minute since want
Became an equal thing in relationships for you, huh?
The want for your mind and soul
Not just your dick and attitude of an asshole
For one night I saw you blue
Because for that moment
You realized that you lost it
That there was no turning back for you
That the one time you had something good it's gone, there's no going back to the good
No going back to the one you still loved
No going back to the girl you had chosen above
Any other hoe or side chick
Because sweety we all got side tricks
We just wait for the right one to be above them all
The one that you'd do anything for
It's not that hard
But you made it that way, you bastard
You made life hell
It wasn't just for me but for you as well
You didn't talk about it
You tried not to feel it
But IT was still seen
I could feel it in my heart when I acted so mean
Because I knew you wanted to
You wanted to push and do
Undo the bad and pain we both endured
So why did you just keep your feelings stored?
From me? As if our relationship was bad
*Shakes my head* It's Just so Sad