All barriers
Planted stubbornly in front of the
Ever growing traffic line growing
More words
More words
And another
And yet another
Pile in
so constricted
even the air can’t breath
A quick gulp
A burned throat
Cringing of the eyes
A bursting laugh and
suddenly words explode out like a busted aquarium
Swim free!
They pour hungrily into every container in sight
Slurring into glasses the width of a quarter
Slamming on the ground
Or was that your lips
To my fingers on the keyboard
Searching for liberty on the street
Into the gentle smile of a stranger
Or the malicious smile of a stranger
They find a place
but sometimes that place is no place at all
and sometimes
they walk alone on the rain washed streets
until someone finds them
Holds them under the lamp post
Realizing they are gems in a world of rocks
Free birds
No place words
And why does it take such a sinful liquid to let them
Just let go