Inevitable Acquaintance
Dear Darkness,
We meet again in this tragic abyss. It feels just like my lost lovers kiss.
Once again, the air grows hauntingly thin. Take your pride in some fools grin.
The promise of miracles makes crowds gleam. All it takes is one feeble soul to join your team.
Value of curious hearts galore matter not. Isolate the target so they may soon be forgot.
I miss my innocence you stole so brutally soon. Freedom is found in floating like a balloon.
Within your wretched shadows, chaos dances. Music of the night throws weak into trances.
Infinite sacrifice you seek on earth’s land. Desires are offered in exchange for a hopeful hand.
When will your insatiable lust of life end? Through colors and shapes, light fights to mend.
The universe grants bitter sweet bliss in madness. We bleed vibrations of our sadness.
Surprise no longer lingers amongst the wise. Though we’ve been robbed, we choose to rise.
Trisha Kay Holton