Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All
Photos on the internet
Depicting things red, white and blue
America the free, America the brave
Our country's the best
At least that's what they say
Another boy on the streets,
Blood pouring from his wrists
He can't love the one he wants
He's already going to hell
You can clearly change a heart
The bathtub scarlet
The drain a mess
Her amber hair flows beneath the surface
She believed nobody could care less
Our children are dropping one by one
People wander this earth
But when a child is murdered
The life escapes from his eyes
His disorders are bullshit
He isn't a human
Hang him
Kill him
Destroy him
Oh, we're saints
Has it really come down to the pigment in our skin?
Have so many years passed,
And we honestly still do not get it?
Half an entire century
Our intelligence decreases
The SAT scores are going down for sure
No, we still slander anybody that isn't a sheet of paper
Not a color of heaven
I'm pretty damn sure Jesus wasn't paper
Bruises mottle his face
His neck, his back, his arms
He's a wimp, a bitch
Because he's still in love
Don't ever hurt a woman
But you're weak if you stand by
As you watch the love of your life
Deteriorate into a heartless machine before your eyes
The blue above our sky
We believe heaven to be up there
But we continuously pollute it
Black and brown billowing through the air
The blue fades beneath the coming clouds
But Instagram just got a new update so we missed it
Our once beautiful planet
Now a haunted house
Children fall
Nightmares appear
Monsters remain hidden behind illusions
Because we see these monsters every day
Useful to apply makeup, to shave our faces
But we'll never acknowledge what's before us
The creatures that hid underneath our beds,
The ones lurking in the closet
Has two eyes, a mouth, a nose,
And is tweeting about how they didn't get an iPhone for Christmas