indifferent part 2
i was ordering patelitos from princess when this happens
they make amazing food 1st off
anyhow, back to this disturbing story that infuses my truth
my back was turn for a split second when i heard a commotion louder than a locmotive
that railroads its way to being another reason for people to be entertain
that it's nothing to laugh about
there were two young men of color arguing about something
don't know what the premise was
don't want to know
the less i knew, the better
started as a verbal assault
transformed to a fight that seems to be the norm when faced with threats
fists were flying
bodies were moving
curse words escalating
fight continuing around the corner
people were standing there dazzle by the altercation
mesmerize by ongoing onslaughts
no one didn't bother to intervene
all they did was find another excuse to promote more senseless violence on Facebook
so people can like the video
adaptation of the new civilization we live in
among the people lie weak minds, simple thinkers with absolutely no consideration to human life
individuals continue to desensitize themselves where they are less likely to feel shock or distress at scenes of cruelty, violence, or suffering by overexposure to such images.
but this is not an image
this is a real life event that impacts our lives
and yet we dehumanize ourselves by keeping our voices slient fearfully
i call 911 to intervene without applying physical exertion
at the same time, i'm being looked upon as a snitch