Indian Princess
is the same as American Princess
What is American?
North America
South America
No one controls where they are born
Learn to love cultures, languages, races
different from yours
Indian does not mean Muslim
Muslim does not mean terrorist
When will we be free from them?
When we stop believing them
Learn to love not a type of person but love
Humans are beautiful.
The past cannot change
The future will be better
if we love
based on character and not characteristics
Hate is easy
Rage comes to tempt you
but peace and happiness
will sprout from your willingness to
Don't let your eyes judge superficially
Look deeper
into a soul
Indian is beautiful
So is African
and American
and Hawaiian
and Australian
and Mexican,
and Arabian,
and Egyptian,
and Japanese
Shall I go on?
In every country and race you will find a woman with beauty
on the outside and within.