Dreams are like the seasons,
Bitter and hostile
Sweet and endearing
Nostalgic and repressed
Some can be sweet,
The taste of an apple fresh from the tree,
The sting of a snowflake fallen on me
The heart of green leaves and new-fallen rain
Some can form habits of turning nightmarish
Garish and bright
Hateful and lachrymose
A thought never fully expressed
Shimmering in now-frozen waters
Where once fish swam and birds drank
The thoughts find hope,
To blossom- to stretch- to spring forth unrestrained
A million go by, never settling on any one
Short days, long nights and a reversal of such
The leaves will crumble and fall into dust
Just as our nights have ends, so too will the reveries
And so I say,
With heavy heart in hand,
That dreams are just days that will pass away
Nightmares are just nights that still cling to the past
A single snowy day,
A year of good harvest,
The crisp taste of spring
And the winter before it.
These are all behind closed lids,
All thoughts unopposed
So let it coil forth into the sea
Release those aspirations, and think of next Summer.
Do not be bogged down with harsh thoughts of Winter,
Just as the sun must set,
So too must it rise.
So fall into bed with the flushed face of pride
Dream all your dreams
One at a time
Remember the good and forget the bad
For each day you live is another season survived.