Came in a text message I couldn't do nothing but stay still in silence thinking it's a joke
I felt used where the values of my heart didn't have no artificial price tag
where you wasted everything only to end up a bad gift in a disguise
making my heart speak louder then my common since
I had hatred,anger,frustrated ,embarrassed ,felt like nothing
that steady continued to build up no limited only overflowing a glass that dripped every single tear
Questioning myself on why didn't I listen to the voices in my head that told me to walk away
only reliving ever happy moment
not coming to reality to know that
all that lied in the past
Where I had the gain that started to make me feel complete can be the one thing to break me
having all the pieces of my heart to drop to the ground shattered all over the place
leaving that one dangling piece that slowly felled bounced over the echoes inside me
the absents of a heart,a soul ,the absents of me
Using my last breath off a lie leaving no extra strength in my rib cage to defend the aches I felt
Hopping you would look back and see how the person I am has disappeared
only for you to continue to walk away hand in hand with someone else
the person I could have been
only leading me on then pushing me over the edge
thinking I would land on pillows only landing on thorns that
stabbed me in the inside and out the back
Why did you use me for the support while another person named permitted in you heart
Why was I the person left alone ,why was I the person whose heart was destroyed
The person who never hurt you ,ALWAYS there to listen ,and take the time to understand you even if you were the villain
the person who believed in you
Burning my voice not even leaving my ashes just to say I had something left
Just when I think I can overcome the world there another surprise
One unread message
a 7 letter word is not enough to change how you made me feel
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this poem is a story
written by an amazing poet by you
wonderful job in expressing youreself through the art of poetry
it's unfortunate that someone use your heart and joy for someone else making 2nd
no ons should be 2nd to anybody
his lost and someone else's gain
you focus on yourself, and build your character
you focus on school and build your education
never focus on boys because they come and go-it'll happen when you least expected
The last line itself held so much emotion! Don't let it get you down...put your energy and emotion into something that will touch, inspire, and uplift (like this poem), and understand that these things happen and we learn from them. Great job expressing your feelings.
First thing first, this world repeats past mistakes like we don't know any better; but yet we do. I don't care where ppl come from and grow up around, we all know what that feeling instead says to us; that this doesn't feel right and if no one feels that when their commiting the act of hurting another, theirs something wrong with them. Secondly MVP is right, no one should ever be second in someone life; we all deserve to be queen and kings cause that's how high we hold ourselves in our own eyes. Never lower yourself for someone else.
I know the price of love and what it feels like, its amazing and its a great rush to your system; like a drug but thats what makes us look the other way when others are hurting us. That's why we can't see what is clearly in our faces, but Imani whoever hurts you isn't worth your time and love. Don't waste a tear on someone who doesn't know better and doesn't understand what they have. Ppl are allowed a second but not a third. It will get better and build yourself, make someone work for it and if they can't stand up and take on your expectations; then there not the guy your looking for.
First thing first, this world repeats past mistakes like we don't know any better; but yet we do. I don't care where ppl come from and grow up around, we all know what that feeling instead says to us; that this doesn't feel right and if no one feels that when their commiting the act of hurting another, theirs something wrong with them. Secondly MVP is right, no one should ever be second in someone life; we all deserve to be queen and kings cause that's how high we hold ourselves in our own eyes. Never lower yourself for someone else.
I know the price of love and what it feels like, its amazing and its a great rush to your system; like a drug but thats what makes us look the other way when others are hurting us. That's why we can't see what is clearly in our faces, but Imani whoever hurts you isn't worth your time and love. Don't waste a tear on someone who doesn't know better and doesn't understand what they have. Ppl are allowed a second but not a third. It will get better and build yourself, make someone work for it and if they can't stand up and take on your expectations; then there not the guy your looking for.