If Money Didn't Rule the World
I wish the lottery and raises wouldn't bring as much joy as they do.
I wish your happiness and satisfaction with life didn't depend on the amount of money you had.
I wish there weren't people living on the verge of death, because they didn't have enough green in their pockets.
If money didn't rule the world, it would be fueled by happiness and random acts of kindness.
People would chase their dreams and choose the career that made them happiest.
Students would pursue a college education without the financial burden and nightmare of debt that follows.
I would get a high off of things that mattered, instead off adding an extra zero or so to the last digit of my bank account.
I would jump for joy, because I provided food for a small town in a third world country.
I would have a huge grin on my face, because I pampered an impoverished girl on her prom night, a night she never thought would happen.
I would truly be happy if the impact I made on this world was measured by the love in my heart rather than the money I had to offer.