If I Could Have Just One Job
If I could have just one job,
It would to be make a sad child smile.
A smile full of sunshine and hope,
Something they have not experienced for awhile.
If I could have just one job,
It would be to hug a troubled teen in pain.
A hug, you know, one of those bear hugs,
That heals their spirit and allows them to fly again.
If I could have just one job,
It would be to listen to a woman’s memories of her sister.
Listen, shhh, just listen…
And smile and nod and empathize with her.
If I could have just one job,
It would be to heal the spirit of a broken soldier
To talk about his internal battle wounds,
So, that he may have closure.
If I could have just one job,
No... a calling,
It would be that of a Counselor:
A calling to:
Make a sad child smile.
Give a hug to a troubled teen in pain.
Listen to a woman’s memories of her sister.
And to heal the spirit of a broken solider.
A calling to serve, give, heal, and transform.
The calling of a Counselor.