If I could change the world in one snap
I would make this corrupt world have love without any gap
Around the world, countries are starving inside,
Because they lack the love that should reside.
In our world of famine, war, and evil, I wish it would cease,
Because if we came together in love, there would be peace,
We fight for our pride and control.
But is it really taking a positive role.
If we would only give a helping hand,
Instead of taking a fighting stand,
A stand for selfish vanity,
Only jeopardizes our humanity.
War destroys families and makes them suffer,
Why would we want them to have a life that is tougher,
I stand here to say, let peace spread,
It would give our world hope instead.
I want to change the world where we all care,
Where it would happen, with a single prayer,
So if we all could stand hand in hand,
We could be a world that says, united we stand.
It is my hope and dream
That peace will reign supreme,
With this mind, our love will calm the oceans and seas,
And our world of famine, war, and evil, will forever cease.