If Aliens Attacked The Earth
Please note: This was written in a comedic manner as a reply to the prompt 'describe aliens attacking the Earth'.
If the aliens were hostile:
ARHHH!!! Humans shall fall!
Kablooey! The aliens are 10 ft tall!!
EXPLOSION! There goes the mall!
If the aliens were cute, but hostile:
Aww! They’re so cute!
Kablooey! The dumb humans should be mute!
SHAZAM! We shall collect our loot!
If the aliens looked like humans:
note: read this part in a British accent
Oh, allo chap. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
Kablooey! Well, I took care of you!
*puts away sword* That’s one less thing to do!
If the aliens were dogs:
Onto you we shall barf!
Oh, and Kablooey!