I wish

Sometimes I cry myself to sleep.

I wish that people wouldn't see my faults although they are written all over my face and down my arms.

I wish that kids weren't cruel and point fingers at those who are different.

I wish that bullying was taken more seriously.

I wish teachers and parents wouldn't say, "Kids will be kids."

I wish that when people are pushed to the ground and punched in the eye, all the bully gets is a slap on the wrist while I have a black eye.

I wish kids wouldn't pull on my sleeves.

Sometimes I wish I could stand up a scream LOOK AT ME! HELP ME!

I wish that the world would change.

But I know the truth. That the only person that will change something is myself and that wishing is only for fairytales although my teachers and parents preach that wishing is the way to dream and love in life. So I will be loveless and dreamless.

Because I am done wishing.


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