I Wear My Tears with Pride
I wear my tears with Pride
Pride that end of the day we’ll all be smiling
My smile is filled with Hope
Hope that in the end everything will turn out Right
I can never Right my wrongs but I know the Consequences
Consequences I face day by day but still have my Dignity
My Dignity is in the way my emotions shift
Like the Earth, our emotions have a continental drift
Happiness shifts to the image of a beautiful Day
Day is when the children play and the parents Work
Work is when we apply our determination for Success
Success is in the depth of our deepest Accomplishments
Accomplishment is when you are yourself through Judgment
Judgment is going to be the end of us if we don’t learn to Love
With every Love story there is a Sad sonnet
Sadness shifts towards the dark Skies
The Sky is not our limit but our Companion
Companions can be found in everywhere you Turn
Turns are signals from left to right to north and South
When things go down South, I am angry
Anger shifts to intrapersonal Failure
Failure to achieve launches you into Depression
Depression is the frustration and the Tears
Tears are personal and when they are mine they stand for something
My tears are for those who will never understand
My tears are for my family who refuses to speak with us
My tears are for the hands my father laid on my mother
My tears are for reasons I will never fully Understand
I do Understand one thing most definitely
I wear my tears with Pride.