I Speak...I Write....I Live
From the internal core of my earth I release a world of bright hope
From my hands, flowing streams of smooth syllables nourish the barren lands of men's souls
This is why I speak... I write... I live
Ancestral chains binding free spirits of orators and writers past
Who spoke hope with eagle soaring songs
While upon cotton their sweat, tears, and blood reveal their personal stories
This is why I speak… I write... I live
Nylon arms attempt to drown the sky of glowing possibilities
Constricting hands from releasing nourishing flow of life to barren souls
And breaking stable courage into declining fear
Yet through their declining fear... scars of pain revealed inevitable determination
While gasping breaths spoke of the future being just a whisper away
And silence being the empty pages for me and my generation
To write our story
This is why I speak... I write... I live
With my voice, I will emancipate the captive
With my pen, I will cut chains of mediocrity
With my Life, I will toil the earth...
Fighting through slashes of statistical whips
Breaking ropes of restricted inferiority
And project a roar of change…
And even if my voice should be reduced to a whisper or temporary silence
May the scars of my life, the blood sweat and tears of my heart.
Remain in the fabric of this cotton I leave to the next generation
For when my voice and hands cease to speak... may my recorded legacy
Water the seed for new and better change upon the story of another
That will birth even greater change... For this reason
This is why I speak... I write.... I live.
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inspiring poem
you validated your reason to write
continue to aspire others and build off your ideas
great job
Dark angel
Beautiful:) well done my friend
Wow this was beautiful. Words of encouragement in here. Very nice job.
This is so awe-inspiring and wonderful; I have moving images in my head from the words you painted so clearly with...I absolutely love this, and I might even go so far as to say I absolutely adore your perspective... It fills me with wonder....and I wonder if others have a similar reason to speak... To write.... To live. I live, for people, for the world, for culture, for the sake of living, and of all, truth. Truth of why we are here, what we must do, how, where to go from here, or here, or there.....truth of my people, truth of ancestors past, truth of the lives lost whose stories have never been told twice! I live....for some reason, for all these reasons, and yet I live for myself too because I experience the world through myself. Peace ♡♡