It's one of my peculiar, precious gift,
Withholding events with my inner eyes,
Discovered earlier in my life,
And channelled to the service of God.
It enabled me roam in
Foresees, visions and apocalypses,
I was a daily dreamer.
I lived in the past, now and future.
It was all beautiful,
Not because of the abilities,
But the responsibilities, harsh words, tasks and persecutions
It accoladed me.
The period of my doom befalled me,
I had foolishly gave in to it.
In my quest to belong and satisfy pleasure,
I indulged in pornography for months.
It indeed was the worst mistake ever!
I started seeing differently,
Dark for light, demons for Angels, doom for hope.
I began loosing it all, and then it all went blank.
It was so terrible and painful,
I was haunted, frustrated and lacked peace.
Remembering the Holy man, kept me in tremble, fear and guilty cry.
You may not be able to feel the pains of my flaw.
My heart longed to be revived,
My soul sought my Lover's face,
But I was held captive,
My body was already addicted.
Then came the times of my stupidity.
I would decide to back out,
But ended up creeping back;
Continuously did I rose and fell.
NO! I cried.
It can't continue this way,
I needed choose to be hot or cold,
Lest I totally become a slave to sin.
I took the discomforting bold steps,
Reconciled, Decided, Determined and Embarked,
Became strict with myself and decisions
And disentangled with old yokes.
I went back to my deserted place of fellowship,
Guess what's shocking?
I met Jesus standing readily to welcome me,
So He never left but I did. Holy!
I've journeyed back,
Now in intimacy so dear and blazing.
Hey Earth, do expect greatly from me,
Because that sleeping eye have woken.
King of Lines.