I Know
A sword flashes through my sight
Blood flying from its blade
I’m entranced
It’s beautiful
I stand slack
The image firm in my mind
They stand there
A sharp blade loose in their hand
Blood dripping down into a growing pool
Around them lay corpses
Corpses I’m not sure are there
Not in this monochrome world
Not in this world where the only color is bloody red
A step forward into the red pool
I reach down a hand to the beautiful sword
It’s curved blade gleams in the lightless world
I touch it
Perhaps I’m not sane anymore
Taking away my hand I notice a small cut on my palm
Blood wells up, merging with the blood that was already on me
With a smile I know
No doubt in my mind
Bringing my hand up to my lips I taste the iron
My tongue flicks out to taste more of that crimson color
The only color that I can see anymore
They have disappeared
All that exists in this world now
Me, black, white, red, corpses, the ephemeral sword
Before I can tell my bloody hand has already grasped that sword
A thoughtful look at the sword and at this world
I smile
It’s a mad thing
Full of pain, glee, joy, rage, sorrow, loneliness, laughter
I know now
I maneuver the sword
It’s gleaming tip is pointed at a chest that no longer feels
I plunge it downwards
After all
I already know