I Dream of Helping Others
I have a dream.
I have a dream of helping people.
In this dream, I see myself next to a U.S. soldier, helping him recover from an attack that caused him to become paralyzed from the waist down.
I see myself helping him recover, and learn to walk again.
I dream of becoming a physical therapist, because changing that soldier's life… would in turn change my life.
In my dream, I see myself next to a Pro-College athlete.
I am helping her nurse her torn muscle back to its original shape, so she is able to play in the championship game she has dreamed of all her life.
Helping her dream come true… would in turn help my dream come true.
I have a dream where I am with elderly people every day.
I am helping them stay active and energetic. They are exercising, stretching muscles, and feeling happy with themselves. Helping the longevity of a grandmother or grandfather… would in turn help my dream come true. I have a dream of becoming a physical therapist at the second best Physical Therapy school in the nation. If I can do this, I will be able to change the lives of many people, and this is so important to me that it will in turn change my life, too.