I don't care if you die
Tell me,
would you enjoy the jungle?
How would you feel
about salty wind hitting your fur?
The very first thing you would do
would be run away.
I can picture it now.
Your long black pelt streaking
across the sand in an effort
to get to the heart of the jungle
where the feast awaits.
But let's say you ignore
your primal instincts.
For the sake of argument, we
can imagine you by my side.
What would you do?
Would you be Pilchard, the Great Killer of Mice (and other small rodents)?
Or would you be Pilchard, the Magnificant Fisher or Fish?
How about Pilchard, the cat whom no bird has ever escaped?
Regardless what you kill
I will let you keep all of it.
I will be too busy trying to set up a camp on the island
like I saw in all the survival shows
I used to watch.
Yes, you are my cat
and you would probably die out there.
And even through that,
you would be my only pick
for the one thing I need with me
on a deserted island.