I Don’t Want To Wake Up Tomorrow
For the first time in a while… I don't want to wake up tomorrow.
I don't mean that figuratively.
I don't mean I just want to pass away peacefully during the night... although I have thought about it.
But I don't want to wake up tomorrow.
I don't want to have to go to school, to face those responsibilities. I don't.
I don't, and yet holy shit I do.
I do because, God, I've missed you.
In the four days since I last saw you... I missed you.
To you, I might just be that kid you sit next to but to me, you're it.
You're the reason to keep waking up, because I love how you make me laugh.
I love how your obsessions just confuse me.
I love listening to what that bitch said last night.
Because as long as we're talking about how dare she, we're not talking about my problems. Because as long as I know that someone else has problems too, that I'm not the only one... suddenly I don't seem to have any problems.
And suddenly... I'm happy. If only for a second.