I Did Not Feel Awesome
They made fun of my clothes
They made fun of my nose
I did not feel awesome
They made fun of my teeth
They made fun of how I speak
I did not feel awesome
They made fun of my hair
And I pretended not to care
I did not feel awesome
They made fun because I was foreign
and was different from them
I did not feel awesome
They made fun because I was weak
And because I let them
I did not feel awesome
I made fun of myself because that’s what they were doing
I made fun of my flaws because that’s what they were doing
I devalued myself because that’s what they were doing
I wanted to give up because that’s what they were doing
But then I met some amazing friends
I do feel awesome
But then I started to love myself again
I do feel awesome
But then I started to see my beauty
I do feel awesome
In myself, my culture, and my country
I do feel awesome
But then I started to speak up
I do feel awesome
And tell them that I will not be corrupt
I do feel awesome
But then I started to gain the courage
I do feel awesome
And know that I truly am