I Desire Design
It’s lyrical almost
The way the lines meld together
In perfect synchronization
There’s splendor in these works
Absolute candid magnificence
There’s precision in these angles
The shapes align so light can pour
In endless waves
Warmth is captured and
The sun illuminates the space
There’s beauty in these buildings
The design is flawless
I could stand here forever
I stare, riveted by the harmony in these lines
The look enthralls me and I wonder
What if I could design such edifices?
I would travel the state, the country, the world!
Forever involved with creation
I’d let my love shine through my work
The work of my hands from the ideas of my mind
One thing that is constantly changing, adapting, and
Evolving into various interpretations of infinite beauty
This one thing fuels the fire of my desire
I desire to design