I Caught the Plague
Poetry is weird,
Confusing, no definition.
It’s nothing like math or science;
One plus one could be two,
Or it could be this unanswerable question
explored beyond any real meaning.
Poetry frightening,
Bare ass emotions out
On the page for everyone to see.
It’s a public battle
To find yourself, or show
The world the real you.
The real you carries demons
Hiding out in your closet.
The real you secretly
Loves Justin Bieber.
Poetry is dying to
Exploit the real you.
Poetry is an illness,
A deadly infection.
All English teachers carry it;
Walking day to day
They pass it on to new,
Innocent victims.
The only vaccine is
The stubborn mind that
Refuses to hear the millions of poets
In Love, In Pain, In Limbo,
Lost or Found,
Observing the world around them.
So how did I catch the poetry bug?
I read a poem about two goldfish in love.