I can(t) see human(ity)s
Who are you to tell me what I am and what I’m not
Where I come from, where I’ll go
What I have been through and what I’ve seen
What I will go through and what I’ll be
Who are you to say I am wrong
To put me down
To call me under
For I am equal.
Who are you to tell me that one sickness is less than another
That the mind is less than the body,
Depression is just a phase and it’ll pass
That my pain doesn’t matter?
We’re all entitled in this world.
Popular, smart, jock, or stupid
Thug, preppy, outcast, or nerd
Why do you put me on a shelf
And keep me there until you're ready to play?
I may not be tall, or smart, or fall into your popular category
But my voice still matters
Gay or strait
Tall or short
Nerd or thug
Popular or outcast.
My life matters.
And you do not want to be a reason
Why it goes away.
I said it before, and I’ll say it again.
I am not some pretty item to be stored away.
I may be bent
I may be broken
I am scarred
But I am a token
Of everything that is wrong in this world today.
A world that you have created
And the earth you have scorched
With the venom of your mocking
Your hate-Your words.
And now in this faith.
I am growing up
Against the ash
Rising from dust
I will not be silenced
And I will not be covered
Because my words, they matter
And my voice now grows
Louder and louder
Filling out with these others
With the gays, the nerds,
the thugs and the preps,
with the out casts and the popular.
By the disabled and the depressed.
Through the smart kids and the dumb ones.
We will be heard.
Not walked on
For we are the future generation
The ones who need to fix what you’ve created
A society that now shuns gays
And ignores the pleas for help from the depressed
Who would rather turn their head and walk away
Than take a moment to help
You are the ones hanging the rope
Buying the pills
Sharpening the knives
Filling the tub
Loading the gun
And your mockery
Of fagget and homo
Emo and attention-seeker
Kicks out the chair!
Knocks down the pills!
Cuts through the veins!
Inhales the water!
Pulls the trigger!
The guilt of you rides on our shoulders
Pushing us down
We’re born already 10 feet under
And by our whole existence were trying to claw up to 6
How are we to exist this way?
When will I be equal?
For I can look happy
And be dead inside
Show the cuts on my arms
Or as done more often- hide them
The reasons can vary
But the cry is the same
With your mockery
Labeling everything again
and again and again and again
But one day I'd like to see you in my shoes
Go home to the same shit I do
Hear the words worse than yours
Worse than any you’ve ever heard
Spat right into your face
Like a snake trying to protect its self
So many times that you actually start to believe that they're true
If you had as many thoughts as I did running full pace threw your head
You wouldn’t be able to walk
So call me dumb but maybe my mind is stuck back where I can remember joy.
Oh wait.
I cant
You took that back when you thought
That picking on those under you
Was a good way to be popular.
To be funny
Just hanging that rope and letting me jump.
I look around and I see humans
But no humanity
For humanity is defined as the race of men drawing together for the better good
But everywhere we turn there is argument
When we started to title everything
We lost the idea of humanity.
The only thing we have in common anymore
Is the fight for survival
Willing to throw everyone else under the bus
Taught from a young age that fucking others over is the only way to survive.
I can see humans
But I’ve never seen humanity.