I Can't Change
When people ask, how I've been raised
I'm not ashamed to answer.
Because I am not phased,
by those, 'I don't like her's.
I was not always strong.
I was not always sure.
But when everything goes wrong,
you have to know what to stand for.
If everything was taken away,
if you only have those who love you.
Who would stay though skies are gray,
and who wouldn’t pull through?
I’ve learned to love myself for me,
and love my friends for them.
Because that’s all that I can be,
and that’s all they can, from a.m. to p.m.
The most important thing in life is to be true,
because you never know when your time will come.
So, you should leave behind, all of you,
Or else you’ll be nothing more than just a crumb.
Live life to your expectations,
and not to anyone’s standards.
Make the best of all your relations,
or you’ll be living life backwards.