I build you up, for you to knock me down
I am your pedestal to happiness
My back your road
Driving to find yourself
Each mile crushing my soul
A selfish journey
No regard for casualty
Keep it casual
You don’t want me
I’m a stepping stone
For your better days
Use me up and leave me dry
You don’t care about me
My messes too messy
Emotions to crazy
One day I’m God
The next 6ft deep
You create these tears
Then ask me why
I slash my legs
To be okay
When you are the reason I feel this way
Walking on eggshells
To make sure you are safe
I bring you up when you are sinking
Beating, breaking me down
You care only for yourself
My emotions mean nothing
My pain too messy
You walk away too easy
It all meant nothing
Every word was a lie
You never cared about me
But I let you walk on my back
Hoping one day you’d see
My love for you was real
But then you threw me a way
For being too much
This is who I am
How can’t you see
I’m here for you
A powerful goddess of love and light
To support and care
Why am I not good enough
Why are my messes too messy
Why don’t you care.