i and I
Loathing and Loving,
Care and Despair.
Broken and Repaired,
Repaired and Broken.
2-D and 3-D,
inside and out,
I scream.
Then, i swallow the words
that tear me.
My personal orbit,
my way of cleansing.
My daily dose of sick serenity,
swallowed with those vile letters.
My attempt to be in control:
opaque, distorted, pixelated, and imperfect
The friendly Breeze whispers kind words to me.
i rest in its embrace,
but i don’t realize It constricts me until i am
Purple and Blue.
Then, It entangles Its welcoming arms around me;
I dance and I sing.
I laugh, as if Something has taken over me, and i am mad,
and It wipes away those dog days;
but im not sure if i am I.
Im not sure what is true or false.
My mind is an interweaving of rusty gears.
i choose not to be I.
My conformity of cool colors is gone with the wind,
and i dance and i sing freely.